Friday, July 24, 2009

That was a close one. Not.

In my mad frenzy of decluttering and cleaning, I "accidentally" deleted this very blog. Oops. No really. Not. Anyway, moving on. Yeah. This isn't getting many views/much use/any reason to stay here. But whatever. I've fallen into a great hole of nothingness so I won't be on here much anymore. Darn those neverending vortexes. So without further ado, I'll be back to my hole now.


Thursday, May 28, 2009


So, as most should know, Etsy is the greatest place in the universe (or at least the internet). Vintage galore. But, anyway, that's not why I'm posting. Tomorrow, if I remember (HA! Good luck) I'll post an entire recap about Thrift Store Raid Night! But I probably won't remember, so don't hold your breath.
Vintage is the greates thing on the planet. I say 'planet' because stars are awesome-er. They just are. Sorry, vintage. Nevertheless, vintage still holds a special place in my heart. Right next to the blood.
There's been a slight delay in our awards show. We're still deliberating on certain nominees, categories, etc. But, rest assured, when we decide, it will be AWESOME.
And here's why:
1) Gaspard Ulliel is involved which will automatically make this little thing a whole lot better.
2) The awesome-est people in the world AKA your dictators are hosting it :D Just smile and nod, now.
3) It will have every category. From Best Ninja Drawing to Longest Email to Best Decade (fashion-wise, of course). And many, many more.
Stay tuned and we hope to post that darned thing soon. But, soon, for me, means about 3 months for the rest of you mortals and/or sane individuals.
Ta ta for now, and hopefully, next time, it'll be in all-out Awards Show Garb.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Did You Miss Me?!

That's right children! The magnifecent Haley_is_British is bacccckkkk.

Anywho hello there! So much has been going on, I can't even begin to tell you. So I won't.

Insteaddd I will talk about something totally random but wonderful.

The next post I do will be uber spectacular. It's called the Awards of Awesomeness as Agreed Upon by Haley_is_British and Rachael_Writes_On, Though The Awards Themselves Are Not That Awesome As They Do Not Exist, And The People That Get Them Are Probably Only Awesome to Haley and Rachael Because That's Just How They Roll Awards. Or, for short, the A.O.A.A.A.U.B.H.I.B.A.R.W.O.T.T.A.T.A.N.T.A.A.T.D.N.E.A.T.P.T.G.T.

Okay, the title isn't actually that short... but still! It shallt be epic.
Soooo the next blog post you read (or don't read, whatever) shall be amazing. So wear your fancy dresses and high heels, and be prepared for the Fashion Police on our Virtual Red Carpet. Because they're allllways watching. ALWAYS. LIKE NOW!

Bet you regret wearing those fuzzy slippers, eh?

Anywho, I have to go pick out a rainbow feather number for the awards show.

Love, (even those of you that will get called out by the Fashion Police... well, most of you.)

Saturday, April 18, 2009

It's An All-Out Pow-Wow!

I'll get to the important stuff first but! In MOST important (but also irrelavant) news, I have a question: If a female psychic fell overboard on a cruise ship and floats, does that make her clairBOUyant?
Just asking. I had something else to say but now, I really can't remember.


I remember now! Something about pizza! And bands. And pow-wow-ness.
That's all I have to say. For now.
Oooooooh SPARKLY! *sparkle sparkle*

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Haley. Haley Haley Haley. Haley is odd apparently.

Haley looks like...

- she's about to claw my eyes out.

BAHAHAHAHA. Depends on who you are.

-looks like a miniature version of Greg, if he'd been a girl.

... Who the heck is Greg?

Haley likes....

-the same places fungus likes.


- to play

Yes. Yes I do. What now sucker?

Haley says...

-he was surrounded by a crowd of excited men.

Ahh. This is the guy whose eyes I must claw out, correct?

-L.Johnson has a "clean slate" with the Chiefs.

Say what now?

Haley wants...

-Matt and Boldin.


-to wish us all a "Merry Christmas!"

Happy Holidays, apparently.

Haley hates...

-Anorexic people.

Hahaha they're bony, I can take them!


Who is me? The dude whose eyes I scratched out? Buddy, don't take it personally.

Haley can...

- run the rats out of Valley Ranch.

.... questionable. I do not enjoy chasing rodents of any sorts.

- sing.

BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Oh Google, you're so silly!

Haley is...

- just posing for pictures like the ladies in the furry old pictures.

................... so confused.

- my hero.

Yay! Whoever you are...

Haley loves...

- Luke.

Luke who?! Luke who?! WHO IS LUKE?! IS HE BRITISH?!

- Danny.

...I get around.

Haley reads...

-selected Polish poetry.

Uh huh. Cuz that's how I roll. Polish style.

- Can You Moo?

Yes I can. Moooooooo.

Monday, March 2, 2009


It's official now!! Haley, Kimmey and I are going to a COLDPLAY CONCERT!!!!!!!!

This is exhilarating!! Ahh, now that that's taken care of.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

I Just HAD to Try This...

Okay, so I got this thing from another blog and I want to try it so here goes nothing. And I do mean nothing.

Rachael looks like...
-she was born with that hat on and a cigar in her hand
That is messed up.
-what a real woman should look like
Is that a compliment?

Rachael likes...
-him alot
Him? Who's him?? I need a him!
-to take pictures
I guess...I'm completely unphotogenic so I guess I'd rather be behind the lense.

Rachael is...
-having a baby
No I'm not. They tested for that at the ER :P
-now a full time teacher
I'm not patient enough to be a teacher...

Rachael wants...
-to go home
I am home.
-a nap
True. It's 11:18pm.

Rachael says...
-yes to edible lip balm!
No Comment.
-she wants "her" coffee

Rachael does...
-it big
Donuts ARE delicious.

Rachael can...
-fix your leaky tap.
Hey, I'm no plumber.
-plan a future
That's for darn sure

Rachael loves...
-the orphans
Go orphans. Woot woot.
-her new phone
It's not really new but I do love it!

Rachael reads...
-to Tom
Who's Tom?
-to Ryan

Rachael writes...
- a quarterly column for the American Christian Fiction
I find that hilarious.

Rachael cooks...
-mustard steaks.
Thank you, Rachael Ray.

All I've figured out is that someone has a website call and that if you type Rachael into Google all you get is about fifty million things about that cooking lady that talks to ingredients. Coocoo coocoo.

Happy March Patrons!!

So today that new show premiered, Running in Heels. I had to watch it just because and might I say that those girls were Bs with Itches. And some MAJOR itches at that.

Anyhoo, I'm all healed from the surgery and I should be back to doing P.E. in no time :P But until then, I'll continue to sit out.

A recent MURDER by my grandma's house started a domino effect for me and my friend (Not Haley) and I started another story in which she will do the editing and cover design and whatnot. Not fair if you ask me. She gets the fun parts.

And that's all the news for today.

Until next time, readers, GOODBYE!!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Commercials: They Have a Good Side

Okay, so I will explain the title in a moment. But first of all, more important business.

DEV PATEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay, I am calm. But needless to say, the Academy Awards were awesome in every sense of the word possible. I laughed, I cried, I laughed so hard I started crying. And I got stalked by a creepy jumbo carboard cut out and had to run away in heels. It was muy bueno.

Okay anywho, the commercial thing.
Today "Penguin" from Otis' blog, and my other friend Kimmey (yes the one that loves cardigans and got married to Whosie-whatsie-dude-face.) made some pretty sick commercials today. Actually we hardly did, we just goofed off. But does that make it any less awesome? I thinkith notith.

Oh and Otis, the theories will live on.

Love, (you too Dev. Gosh you look good in a tux.)


Well, I don't think any of you read Otis/Megs/Kirit's blog but they've been talking about me basically non-stop. Yes, I got my appendix out. Yes, I'm fine. No, It doesn't hurt.
Bottom Line: Hospital's SUCK.
Anyhoo, Mandy, good luck with your surgery, when they wake you up every two hours to take your blood pressure, don't say I didn't warn you.
"Oh, dear, your blood pressure is 86 over 60! That's low!!"
"No duh, I've been sleeping. It's 2am."
But in other news, I have no other news!! Ahhh I crack myself up...

Oh, btw, Mandy, I know what you're playing in band next!! I had to copy it today and then mail it to Camarado. =)

I really want a brownie right now....

Sunday, February 15, 2009

NAME CHANGE!!! and other less important stuff.

I changed the name and the URL. I'll keep the old URL up with a link to the new one but I got annoyed at the old name. Obviously, if you found this know. But anyway.

Okay so I've just decided: FRENCH POP IS COMPLETELY AND TOTALLY AWESOME. That is all. Uh....Scroll down to see Kimmey lost in the snow and that's about it. Ta ta for now!!